Saturday, March 16, 2013


You know, Tom, Dick and Harry? I wonder if anyone gives their son that name (the middle one) anymore. 
In that vein...
So there's this mum who names her child (that middle thing). So then she sends her child to school. He's embarrassed with his name, so every time someone asks him what his name is, he says, "Eh-Hen".
Every day, when she comes to pick up the kid, she sees him playing in the playground with the other children, and she goes, "Hey, (you know, the middle one), come on, let's go!" 
And all the children in the playground would be like, "Wow, such a seriously cool mum to give her son such a dawg of a nickname!"
So then one day they asked her, "So why do you call him a (you know), anyway?"
So the question is, when they found out that his name was (you better know by now), who was more embarrassed: the boy, the mum, or the kids from the playground?   

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clove - cooks in love

Scene 1:

- Gar! Lic at that rack!
- Yes, my rack's loaded - with all kinds of vegetables!
- Wanna cook something up?
- Wine not? (wink wink)

Scene 2:

- Hello, my little bell pepper!
- Don't butter me up!
- Hey, what's the mutter with you?
- I know you're up to something fishy! Who's the other chick?
- There's no one, cherry tomato! It's always bean you!
- Don't lie, I saw the saucy messages she sent you, the tart!
- Chilli, babe! I would never be meen to you!
- All I'm saying is don't stir up trouble, that'll really peas me off.
- I'm sorry, potato pie, but you know, I clove you!
- Are you just raisin my hopes?
- No, honey! When I look at you, I feel just like Christopher Kulambus did when he saw the United Plates!
- Ok, now that's just cheesy! (laughs)

Scene 3: (under adult souperfishion)

- I'm going to cashew your cheque now, darling.
- Oh, you're straw-berry hot!
- You want me to stoke your stove?
- Oh yes, but gingerly.
(and the rest is left up to imagination)