Wednesday, November 16, 2011


A book might not be enough
to hold the sky,
but the words are. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Feminine Mystique

We're looking for a game in which women fight like hell to save the world and men. It goes like this:

Men have trouble believing that there might be others who think, just like them, others who believe, just like them, others who feel, just like them. They think they rule the world. They think that the decisions they take shape the world. They’re not concerned whether a decision is wise or not before they take it. They do not look at the consequences.
Five hundred years ago, man tried to conquer a planet that they thought would serve as a useful place to go to after they had brought destruction upon the planet they lived on. They didn’t succeed.
And a hundred years ago, the creatures of that planet, bitter and thirsty for revenge, paid back their due by destroying all of mankind.
But the creatures overlooked something. Not being human, they did not think it necessary to harm any other than those creatures that had harmed them: they eliminated all men, but overlooked the women.
So now, it falls upon us to do what we’ve always done; survive. Survive in this burning wreck that the aliens have left behind. Survive, and revive hope for mankind. Survive, and protect the men that the aliens have forgotten, in the hope for a better tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I know what I must do
I know what must happen
I know what’s at stake
I know what we’ll lose
But what difference does it make?
Knowing all this much
Like the sage on the mountain
I just sit in a place
And do nothing
And hope everything will turn out ok
Knowing it won’t.
I try to convince myself
That I’m waiting for the right moment.
But I know that’s not it.
I’m just too complacent
To do what it takes.
I’m just too scared
Of what it’ll mean for me.

Like the turtle on the mountain
Hiding under my shell
I wait for the world to end
And hope my eyes will close before then.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Modern Revolution

He got them all a menu card
Which was funny. 
He got them all a menu card,
Risking his life,dignity, honour.
He got them a menu card
Which made him an absolute hero

Going to the waiter,
Demanding from him
Gimme all your dishes!
Defend all mine!
Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Draw blades
Fight to the death
Knight in shining T-shirt, 
Fighting to feed the hungry damsel

Sweat drips,
Bite Lip,
Flash Sword,
Soldier down.

Many more swishing blades-
The enemy's got back-up!
Soldiers in white-and-black
Sweating behind trays

Lone knight
Sole chance
Grab the prize
Run and order

He got them all the menu card
So dearly won
They cheered him greatly
And decided to eat elsewhere. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I judge, and I criticise and I scorn
At decisions that were made ages ago
Decisions that changed our lives—
Maybe for the better, maybe worse
Who am I to say?
I judge and I criticise and I scorn
But sometimes
I wonder what I would have done
If I had been there
If I would have chosen to kill
Or chosen to die for what I believed—
Right or wrong, who am I to say…

If I would have gone along with the crowd
Just to keep the little circle of peace around me,
Fought for a larger peace, desperately hoping I was right
Or if I would have been baking cookies
Away from the madding crowd
Or if I would have got caught between warring factions
Neither here nor there, unable to decide for myself
Unwilling to fight, so my circle of peace would be intact
And died an uncertain death.

I judge and I criticise and I scorn
But who am I to judge?
When I don’t know what I would have done
In their place
At that time
Who am I to criticise
When I might have been just like them
In their place
At that time
Who am I to scorn
I can’t judge what I think today
What would I have thought
In their place
At that time?
Who am I, when I might be
Worse than them?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the teaser

He comes in the dead of night, when you most expect him.
When you’re sitting awake, eyes wide, holding as much hope as you have closest to you, that’s when he comes.
And when he does, all hope is extinguished. Because there is no chance of escape, no ant can run fast enough, no needle is long enough to keep away


Thursday, August 25, 2011

the beginning

She walked slowly down the lane, not knowing what to expect. Every shadow felt like someone waiting to leap out at her, every grain of sand felt hostile.
The darkness around her was slowly creeping into her soul, ready to claim her for its own.
She gulped.
‘There’s nothing,’ she whispered to herself, ‘there’s nothing. The shadows are just shadows, the darkness is just absence of light, I’m going to be fine. Mum needs me tonight – I really cannot allow fear to overcome me.”
But deep, numbing fear of what might be waiting for her at just the next shadow made it hard for her to carry on, not stumble and cower in a corner of the alley.
And then she heard it. It wasn’t more than a grain of – something, dropping somewhere nearby, but she heard it.
Every sense alert, the blood rushing through her body, she still froze, finding herself unable to move.
The feeling of being watched grew upon her, her back muscles became stiff from the expectation of being attacked from behind.
She felt something move above her, and knew Death had come for her before he leapt, before he bit through her neck, and sucked the lifeblood out of her.
Her last thought was of her mum, and of the food she’d been taking back for her, which would never reach now.
The last thing she heard was, “Are those two ants fighting? Go, little anty, go!”
And this grain of sugar had been particularly tasty too….

This was just the beginning. No ant could be safe from what soon came to be called…


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Genesis - We who are born, don't want to die

And God created Adam to be His likeness…
Adam started off looking like chewed-up gum, and God, He was worried.
But then Adam took shape, and God Heaved a Sigh of Relief.
And when Adam was Birthed through God’s Labours,
God Parted his umbilical cord from his belly, and
Mightily Smote him to make him cry,
And Washed him and So Forth
Until Adam, he was pure and smelled nice.

But Adam, crying he wouldst not stop,
Even when the Angels Rocked him,
And walked hurriedly around heaven,
In efforts to Bring Peace Upon him.
But Adam, crying he wouldst not stop,
Until God realised with Heavenly Truth,
That until Adam realised true misery,
He wouldst not value Heaven.
And so he created Eve even,
And made her slightly shapelier than Adam, God Knows,

And Lucifer Saw her and Wanted to Impress her
Which was why He Pretended
To be Too Cool to Bow.
And God Created Hell
Which is a Warm Place
For all the Cool People.