Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I judge, and I criticise and I scorn
At decisions that were made ages ago
Decisions that changed our lives—
Maybe for the better, maybe worse
Who am I to say?
I judge and I criticise and I scorn
But sometimes
I wonder what I would have done
If I had been there
If I would have chosen to kill
Or chosen to die for what I believed—
Right or wrong, who am I to say…

If I would have gone along with the crowd
Just to keep the little circle of peace around me,
Fought for a larger peace, desperately hoping I was right
Or if I would have been baking cookies
Away from the madding crowd
Or if I would have got caught between warring factions
Neither here nor there, unable to decide for myself
Unwilling to fight, so my circle of peace would be intact
And died an uncertain death.

I judge and I criticise and I scorn
But who am I to judge?
When I don’t know what I would have done
In their place
At that time
Who am I to criticise
When I might have been just like them
In their place
At that time
Who am I to scorn
I can’t judge what I think today
What would I have thought
In their place
At that time?
Who am I, when I might be
Worse than them?

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to what you've said(rather than how you have said it) for I'm no judge of poetry. Who am I to judge?:-)
