Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clove - cooks in love

Scene 1:

- Gar! Lic at that rack!
- Yes, my rack's loaded - with all kinds of vegetables!
- Wanna cook something up?
- Wine not? (wink wink)

Scene 2:

- Hello, my little bell pepper!
- Don't butter me up!
- Hey, what's the mutter with you?
- I know you're up to something fishy! Who's the other chick?
- There's no one, cherry tomato! It's always bean you!
- Don't lie, I saw the saucy messages she sent you, the tart!
- Chilli, babe! I would never be meen to you!
- All I'm saying is don't stir up trouble, that'll really peas me off.
- I'm sorry, potato pie, but you know, I clove you!
- Are you just raisin my hopes?
- No, honey! When I look at you, I feel just like Christopher Kulambus did when he saw the United Plates!
- Ok, now that's just cheesy! (laughs)

Scene 3: (under adult souperfishion)

- I'm going to cashew your cheque now, darling.
- Oh, you're straw-berry hot!
- You want me to stoke your stove?
- Oh yes, but gingerly.
(and the rest is left up to imagination)


  1. hahaha Good one!
    I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup on blogging.
